- Exclusive access to register for/attend our annual Conference & Media Marketplace, with media pre and/or post tours
- Create your own online member profile on and include recent list/links to your destination(s)/attraction(s)/points of interest and contact details
- Member to member access to 200+ travel media professionals across Canada as well as some 150+ travel industry professionals (representing destinations, hotels, attractions and events around the world)
- Featured on our TMAC Home Page slideshow including photo, your favourite personal travel quote and direct link to your profile
- Find + Connect with TMAC Members:
We have comprehensive online member directories where you can search people by first name, last name, region, and areas of interest. Here’s our media directory and here’s our industry one.
- Receive your monthly TMAC Travel e-newsletter
- Comprehensive group health plan includes unlimited trip travel insurance up to 60 days per trip
- Access to online calendar of events with ability to add events of interest to fellow members
- Online editorial directory (with 100+ listings) and ability to search/add/share outlets of interest to fellow members (in development)
- Membership Dues WAIVED
National Board Members, Committee Chairs and Chapter Chairs who have served a minimum of one year.
Committee Members and Co-Chairs receive 50% membership Dues waived
- Eligible to submit proposals for Future Conference Hosts
- Exclusive promotional opportunities including paid partnerships via dedicated Newsletters, posts within Newsletters, sponsored PD Sessions or Destination Showcases, and dedicated social media posts.
- TIAC Associate Membership for $25.00 is available to TMAC Members (Media & Industry) learn more now.
Let's Get Social with TMAC!
Engage with us and other members to have your stories, pitch call outs, programs and initiatives shared and promoted across the industry. We have a:
INDUSTRY & MEDIA - please TAG us so we can 'see' you and share 'you' in our socials - it's all about you!
Leveraging the communication channel TMAC has in place for membership, there are a variety of means by which members can enhance their engagement and reach. Below are options accessible to Members:
- Dedicated eBlast to all TMAC members as an Industry Member Promotional Opportunity:
Limited to 1 per month, creative – copy and visuals to match TMAC template to be provided not less than 1 week prior to agreed distribution date.
Rate: $950.00
- TMAC eBlast listing – Visual + Copy + Call to action Opportunity, sent to all TMAC members
Creative provided by last Wednesday of the month prior to the next month for distribution.
Rate: $500.00
- PD Session Sponsors (Estimate 1 per quarter)
Presenting sponsor can curate a session from their organization, or serve as the moderator/host of one of our scheduled sessions.
Rate: $1500
- Industry Member Social Media Posts on Facebook Group, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (limited to 1 sponsored post/month)
Rate $450.00 per insert
- Attendance at Chapter-hosted networking events
- Attendance at Chapter-hosted PD workshops
- Ability to register to attend Annual Conference
- Ability to request up to 24 Media Marketplace appointments
- Participation in local tours within the host destination - best practices and story ideas
- Attendance at the AGM
- Voting privileges at AGM
Opportunity to:
- Sponsor a National OR Chapter event
- Sponsor a TMAC Award presented during conference
- Sponsor an event/activity/contest during conference
- Host a future conference